Monday, February 15, 2010

Sorry Blog !! - Random thoughts of a so called blogger !!

So, my blogs not been updated since November.. so havent my thoughts !! Keeping this in mind I decided to sit back and do a recee of the last 2 months and a few odd days. In a previous blog I had spoken about how I wanted to get my life back on track.. well I have the results with me...and ... ( sorry too much reality tv.. Love that weird suspense before the results are announced ;) ) ..sorry as i was saying and ..Yes.. things have changed

- I smile as often as I cry
- I dream as much as I sleep
- I hope as much as I fear

So could we call these three points an improvement..My life is defenotely back to normal..and so have my random thoughts..!!!

PS : Any one who actually reads this and survives to understand...Just give me a call and tell me coz I still havent figured out what Im saying..!!