Sunday, October 24, 2010

Book of life…..

Through the para’s I seek an answer
With a smile, a tear, and a dream unheard
The smell, the feel, the twinkle and the sigh
The desires of fore lone and the dreams of innocent
Each unraveling the world in all its colours
The dot, the dash and blank empty spaces
Lead me there where I desire…
Lead me where I may never be…
Lead me to the future unknown…
Read , Lend , Gift…
Answer my questions …
Through the endless pages of print …
Be the book of life that I pursuit…….

Crimson, blue, black and maybe green..
Through the print reveal…
Reveal.. all that my heart desires …
Reveal .. all that there can be..
Show me the path.. or the silhouette of the future..
Be the Book of life that I pursuit …
An once the world is revealed in all the glory..
Be the friend… the late night companion…
Through sorrows and joy
Be there as a friend… a mirror
And once I move in the right direction.. Comfort me
Be a binding force to remind me … who I really am…
Be the book I life… that I have lived.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

oh please.. no more sunshine

"GIVE ME SOME SUNSHINE...GIVE ME SOME RAIN..."well one thing is for sure that the prayer has been heard but only partially..!! The blazing heat and sunshine seems to have become something akin to the weather gods cranky mood swings... with this heat what do you expect one to do. Being completely jobless at the current moment would have been a moment which people with a bliss for a state of zero responsibility would call "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". But what about us poor normal souls for whom a state of nothing can be more painful than watching those ott serials with my grand mom... those shahrukh movies with my mom and himesh reshammiya songs with the auto drivers ( now no silly thoughts please.. ;) )
so what do people utilize this time for.. recreation and relaxation is a word many a people are often heard telling me .. "ur so lucky... u r free to do whatever you want". But what exactly do i want to do... umm read books.. yeah sure.. in the last 20 days i dont think i have had the stamina or courage to even pick up a newspapers .. a novel.. gimme a break....ok what next music...naa dont think my want to be on the run feet would agree. Watch movies... yes i could .. maybe but im bored of watching them on my laptop.. "hostelic" memories... n i dotn really fancy watching movies alone.... what else tv.. oh no no ekta kappor and her likes for me... they seem to be like some aliens which have taken over our airwaves .. ofcourse not to forget in collaboration with dubbed regional movies in hindi and hindi movies which perhaps even the makers havent seen themselves.. scary... last option.. sleep.. naah its never reallly been my forte... wait i got it.. one thing im good at no matter what season or time of the day.. food... alas a healthy and quite empty refrigerator doesnt seem to thril my senses...
this is a mess.. oh god.. please "iss situation se mujhe bachchao and please gimme some rain asap ;))"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thank you all..... :(

I cannot deny that these two years have been the most taxing 2years of my life. Whatever upheavals I went though ( emotional and physical) in my 10 years of schooling were packed together in these two years. Now as the last few days of my "course"( ironical term I must say !! ) to be specific last 15 days have begun a sense of ease has developed.Touch wood !! But I just cant stop smiling :) :)

Its strange how life can be so multifaceted.. on one hand i cursed and hated these two years.. every single day was worse than the piercing pain in my back ( a normal phenomenon which i seem to have come to terms with in the last 23 years :) )!! I hated.. wait I still hate the city.. the people.. well not all but most of them .. my college and my course too !! But yet today morning as I looked out of my hostel window I had a large smile on my face.

Attachment and memories are with people who make a difference to your life.And for me these two years there have been many who have stood by me when I least expected.. given me life long cherished memories and reason to want to remember these two years. Leaving them behind will be the most difficult part for me when I take the last flight out of this city on 30Th March. God knows when we shall meet again.. yes there is always the great social networking phenomenon to rely on but there is nothing like physical presence.People change with time.. its normal.. new attachments.. friends and ambitions... somehow in all this I have seen and always fear losing out on these people..!! Hopefully this time things will be different and these names and faces will not just remain mere names and images on my friends list or my email contacts list ... I pray :)

I love ya all... thanks for everything !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sorry Blog !! - Random thoughts of a so called blogger !!

So, my blogs not been updated since November.. so havent my thoughts !! Keeping this in mind I decided to sit back and do a recee of the last 2 months and a few odd days. In a previous blog I had spoken about how I wanted to get my life back on track.. well I have the results with me...and ... ( sorry too much reality tv.. Love that weird suspense before the results are announced ;) ) ..sorry as i was saying and ..Yes.. things have changed

- I smile as often as I cry
- I dream as much as I sleep
- I hope as much as I fear

So could we call these three points an improvement..My life is defenotely back to normal..and so have my random thoughts..!!!

PS : Any one who actually reads this and survives to understand...Just give me a call and tell me coz I still havent figured out what Im saying..!!