Sunday, November 29, 2009


Indian Tele serials have always been accused of " over dramatizing situations". Reality shows too with their various walk outs too have been accused of being staged. Now I am not an avid serial watcher.. but reality shows and their so called unrealistic content manage to catch my eye. Before moving ahead I must make a clarification, reality shows for me are quizzes,music and dance.. any connection to a certain Ms. Sawanth is purely coincidental!!

I was watching another episode of the very " originally " titled DPL.. Dance premier league.. ( IPL AND ICL watch out.. !! ). The show ended with its first elimination in the show. What followed was the staple diet of every reality show.. tears , walking out and disagreement...!!

Suddenly the whole contingency of girls( the number of girls and the noise they were making had made our hostel recreation hall a mini "cricket stadium".. no pun in tented) moved out...It's drama they said..including a friend of mine...

DRAMA..ya I know.. but still isn't life full of drama.. we talk of tears, nervous banters, on stage prayers , back biting, scheming women ( oh God I know so many myself... !!), love affairs, attractions. Everyday, don't you and I experience all this . Look around.. a group of girls scheming against another or one unsuspecting victim, infatuations and crushes on every ones mind, fights and tears. Why even walkouts.. I remember an English teacher in my school actually walked out of our class... Impossible she said and even threatened not to come back. One teacher had got upset when a few students had started singing Happy birthday for her when she was giving back the left behind money ...apparently she had some bad memories with her birthday and thus never celebrated it.. I actually remember seeing her control her tears( teachers shouldn't cry right !! )

Emotions.. such as one of a father for his son or daughter can't be faked .. its like I remember my dad actually had a glow on his face and moist eyes as he read a few articles that had my byline... Imagine !! That's not fake .. the emotions were real. Competition makes people do the most unexpected things.. friendships are made and broken.. look around in schools and colleges and even in Homes and offices, competition in some form or the other is rampant and so is the desire to win..

And then you say reality shows are fake.. just because they are in front of ur eyes..come once or twice a week... you tend to scrutinize them.. but look around.. " life is the biggest reality show" and so as days pass.. more "eliminations, controversies and walk outs " shall mark our life.. its time we open our eyes and ears.. see and listen.. So, I shouldn't complain that these reality shows don't come on weekdays.. I have enough reality around me.. LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION ;))


1 comment:

  1. I am impressed...!!! i mean...this is no fake reaction from me...not readin out from a script...instant reactions...dil se...right from d depths of my heart...!!dis really is not crap...there is soo much of thought and truth behind it all...!! Now...this is thought provoking...!!! it really is..and yea...v cum across too many of these straight from the soaps kinda characters in real life...i mean...wat originality they have man..!!remarkable thay r all...!!! huhh..!! m speechless...!!!
