Monday, November 23, 2009

An intellectual bend

" You should have an opinion..a final semester masters student..that to one who aspires to take up journalism as a career..and when asked to make a blog all you write about is books, chocolates and friendships gone sour !!". These were the thoughts running in my mind last night as I was reading the blogs of my other classmates.

I was in awe as I read the posts and was wondering..why can't I write like that. They are topical yet honest and personal.And of course not to forget, amazing language. Then we have some great poets I realised..Four to five lines wrapped in emotions. So, I thought I should also write something like those for this post.

As I was walking down from College to my Hostel today ( what an Irony..people go home after "home" is in college !!- the sad story of staying at a college hostel..!) I thought of a few lines..

" The writer in me stands to say
are my thoughts not writing
are they not language, emotion and all
what am I , Screamed the letters on my paper
are my emotions not there for you to see..."

When I suddenly tripped and broke my bubble..what was I doesn't make sense...ok..So no Poetry I realised. Let's do something topical I thought..maybe something about terrorism, after all its the first anniversary of the 26/11 attacks..So, I opened my Laptop and started typing..

" As a year goes by people have sat down to understand the attacks which shook the country..what happened and have things changed over the years. Everyday we have many new ...."

Oh God...I am having a writers block...I guess all this requires a bit of a higher level of intellect !What about a social issue I thought..wait..I shouldn't even attempt to talk about something I have absolutely no awareness about...

I guess , this attempt is quite futile..I guess writing casual personal tales is more me..and as for the intellect ...there are millions who write about that..but I am the only person writing about- ME ! How original ( and also how self centred )can someone be ..) !!!;)

{ Image source : The Internet}

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