Friday, November 20, 2009

Tagged for life

(Image source : The internet)

I was just reading a blog post by a dear and equally confused friend . As she went on analysing her life and identity a thought crossed my mind...Why is so much importance given to the whole concept of creating or outlining your true identity?Why must we be carefully assessed and classified under specific tags(like these blog posts - retrospection, introspection)like the angel, the nerd, the sporty, the confused,grumpy, sleepy , bashful and so on..;)(Sorry got a bit carried away by Snow white and her seven dwarfs towards the end of the list !)

So, coming back to what I was saying - They say you can never be perfect, then how do they expect you to have a fixed identity ? We have heard of the yin and yan.. we all are like that- A little bit of this and a little bit of that. It's like a jigsaw puzzle..each characteristic comes together to make "you".

And then what exactly are the parameters for defining your "identity" and "personality"? Who defines these parameters?

I think that today identities are now more about what others assume you to be (whether its true or not).Like people seem to have categorised me as boring, nerdy and a total short "inconsequential"! So, now people just assume that to be " Anishaa Kumar" without even understanding me..That's not me!!..there is more to all of us ...but everyone fails to understand this..

It's high time we stop "creating" personalities and images..we all are human .. its time we accept that !

As for me..I have realised that there is not important or necessary to go around correcting people's views about you..but what matters is to be matter how "mixed up" you may be..;)

1 comment:

  1. true true!..its time we be ourself and stop being someone else..a gud 1 anisha..:)
