Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Print over Practicality

"Beta , I want you to be careful of your belongings, please keep your boarding pass and ticket out ... did you keep your photo ID?... please don't talk to strangers...". Like all mothers,my mom too has time and again made it a point to remind me about the basics of travelling alone. But,I guess in all this she forgot to mention one very important warn me about something more dangerous than the sly thief or nagging co passenger....The Airport Lounge Bookstore !!!

Every time I take a flight back Home or am returning to Bangalore where I study ,I am constantly rambling one sentence..." Anishaa you do not need a book, where is the time ?". But as they say " Mind is the master". " I can just look around,that doesn't cost a thing!". But who can save themselves from the calling of the printed matter.

Books- attractive covers, the smell of paper, intriguing titles,Interesting story lines..There is something magical about them , that I,who usually consider myself quite practical in most cases actually indulge myself in such pocket-pinching activities. The latest Amartya Sen Book, to a sweet and simple Nicholas Sparks novel to my all time favourite John Grisham's Legal twists and turns..who wouldn't go weak in the knees?OK,not everyone ...But still,I am sure there are many who would. It's like the beautiful dress draped on a mannequin at your favourite store..or the the elegant stilettos stacked in a Shoe shop..we all have our weak point and I guess for me its books.

Well I don't need to worry any more as I wont be going Home for another month .But Hey,how can I forget the Road side vendors and million Bookstores in every mall !! They are sure to catch up with me some time or the other...

All I can say is that I think its high time bookstore owners put a sign outside.." Beware...Enter at your own risk "!!;)

Image source - The internet

1 comment:

  1. see...!!n i'd told u too...!! i'd askd u to be happy starin at em n be happy n 2 refrain from byin em...!!!hmm...heights of disobedience...!!
